I started this website mainly because I love to travel and I don't
have a lot of money.
As a former employee of a major airline, I learned all kinds of secrets and tips that really will
save you money. The business traveler knows all these tips because she or he travels at least two to three times
a month.
But what about the average person who only takes a flight once every blue moon
and doesn't have a clue on what to do?
Well you have come to the right place!
I will help you by telling you things that may sound a little ridiculous, but you can take
it to the bank in savings.

On This Site We'll Cover Topics Such As:
* What's with this frequent flyer stuff?
* Are these low fare companies for real or a scam?
* Are certain days better for travel than others?
* Change your destination and save!
Stick With Me And I Will Help You Get There For Less!
